OK this piece is a wild piece of art , it defines its name to the “T” There is a ton of stuff going here as so if your at a party, club , and/ bar depending of course, this is representing all the fun action. Normally dark setting with lights oooooh lol! but a bit more if you look in depth. The females face with the stylish glasses looking ever so sexy and hot to men or your preference… and also cool to a young lady, inspired mind. Anyways dude in the background seen but very vaguely, liquor to abstract to very mood itself yup its fun. The bird is a cardinal …innocents of just going to have to have fun , find a woman for the night or life never know…woman for the night doesn’t always mean sex go with gut instinct , if you do not have one …good luck….Not trying to have sex anything walking contrary to popular belief of the party seen. The light and dark …well parties start at all times of the day and run….music notes?! durrrr music
Print Size: 11×14
Other print sizes available upon request!
This is a copy/print of the original design of Frank A. Pizzurro II.
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